Highlights in orthopaedics, anthropology and human biomechanics
Sophia-Bryza Rehabilitation Centre, Sarbinowo, Poland, Sept 16–23, 2012
Registration Form should contain Name with titles, Address, Phone, e-mail, indicate active or passive participation. Abstract form should contain the same, title of paper, key words and structured text (try to provide objectives, methods, results and discussion).
Conference fee 10 Euros will be paid during registration.
Participants will receive the journal “Locomotor System” with programme, abstracts of lectures and Certificate of Attendance.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 15, 2012.
One or both forms submit by e-mail: ambul_centrum@volny.cz.
Second information with instructions on prices of accommodation and feeding and information on scientific and social programme will be send only those who are registered.
- Organizer: doc. MUDr. Ivo Mařík, CSc., ambul_centrum@volny.cz, tel./fax: +420 222 582 214
- Invitation (PDF)
- First Announcement (DOC)
- Pierwsza informacja (DOC)
- Sarbinowo 2012 – Final Programme (PDF, updated on Aug 8, 2012)
- Sarbinowo Beach
- Sarbinowo