Classification of congenital differences of the upper extremity
Toshihiko Ogino: Classification of congenital differences of the upper extremity Review > Review in Locomotor System (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Society for Connective Tissues
Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyně
Toshihiko Ogino: Classification of congenital differences of the upper extremity Review > Review in Locomotor System (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Pokroky v diagnostice a léčení poruch pohybového aparátu Lékařský dům, Praha 2, Sokolská 31 2.3.2012 (15.00–18.00 hod.) a 3.3.2012 (8.30–17.00 hod.) > 17. Kubátův podologický den (in Czech)
Ivo Marik, Daniela Zemkova, Miloslav Kuklik, Radek Myslivec, Sarka Petrasova, Olga Hudakova, Alena Marikova: Skeletal Dysplasias: Diagnostics and Treatment E-poster presented at the SICOT 2011, XXV Triennial World Congress, Prague, CZ, 6–9 September 2011. > Download (MS PowerPoint)
Toshihiko Ogino: Teratogenic mechanisms of congenital absence of digits Lecture presented at Conference on Hand Anomalies, Prague, CZ, 14 April 2011 > Download (document MS PowerPoint, 5.8 MB) > Review in Locomotor System (document PDF, 4.4 MB)